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10 Simple Yoga Poses You Should Do to Stay Fit During Monsoon

Yoga Poses For Monsoon

10 Simple Yoga Poses You Should Do to Stay Fit During Monsoon

The monsoons are a crazy time. The lush promenades of the countryside share their peaceful existence with the hustling, crowded streets of the urban cities. The temperature falls as the cloudy daze of monsoon hits India. The temperature drop coupled with the cool air does affect the local populace, and hence it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that body immunity is at a good level. 

Yoga provides an organic approach to keeping your body in shape as meditation and breathing techniques increase metabolism and immunity through better oxygenation of the body. The contemporary understanding of the subject is more towards fitness and wellbeing, but the yogic philosophy engulfs much more. 

10 Yoga Poses You Should Do to Stay Fit During Monsoon

Yoga has found its way into modern lifestyles in the form of an exercise routine in which the person works on their body weight to increase endurance and flexibility. The cardiovascular benefits reaped from the breathing techniques involved oxygenating the body and increasing metabolism and immunity. The rainy season does take a toll on the body and hence maintaining a good lifestyle along with exercise can protect you from various viral infections and diseases.

Some of the most potent yoga poses have been discussed in the section below:

1. Suryanamaskar

The Suryanamaakar is one of the most potent practice routines. It is a combination of 12 different asanas and is usually practised during sunrise or sunset as you pay your respects to the sun. The combination of 12 asanas makes this routine very effective for reducing body weight, increasing stamina and endurance, muscle building, increasing body flexibility, and proper oxygenation of the body. 24 repetitions of the suryanamaskar cycle can be exhausting and refreshing at the same time as the body loosens up and the muscles relax.

2. Virabhadrasana

Lord Shiva’s reincarnation as the mighty warrior Veerabhadrais the inspiration behind this asana. The asana includes a pose that mirrors Veerabhadra’s warrior posture and involves extending various muscles across the body, resulting in increased physical strength and flexibility. The Asana promotes a profound sense of focus, balance, and bodily strength, which are all signs of a mentally and physically fit body.

3. Pranayama

Pranayama is a traditional yoga practice that offers a variety of breath-control techniques. It gives the practitioner the ability to focus, control, and manipulate their breath, which has a variety of positive health impacts. “Prana” is the Sanskrit word for life energy, and “Yama” is the Sanskrit word for control. A Pranayama technique called kapalabhati helps to increase lung capacity and properly oxygenates the body. 

4. Kapalabhati

Kapalbhati is one of the breathing techniques within pranayama. It is a vigorous breathing technique that boosts the body’s internal organs’ vitality and speeds up metabolism, enabling them to produce more energy and keep the body warm. The rapid breathing method involves a rhythmic approach while steadily pulling the navel toward the spine.

5. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This asana includes a backbend, which stretches the chest and flattens the body. This asana is extremely beneficial for stretching the lower back and boosting oxygen delivery to the lungs. The stance must be maintained for some time to ensure proper body oxygenation and heat generation. It is important to note that such an intense backbend needs to be practised under the guidance of a professional so that maximum benefits can be reaped and the chance of injury is minimised. 

6. Anahatasana

Also known as the “Puppy Dog Pose”, the Anahatasana is an upper-body stretch that strengthens the back muscles and shoulder joints by stretching the spine and chest region. As the body responds to the initial stretch, the person can extend further and impels the body to stretch further which in turn loosens up the tight areas within the body. The pose manages to adjust the spine as well as increase body flexibility. These asanas are efficient in battling the daze and lethargy that spurs up during the monsoons. 

7. Bhujangasana

Also known as the “Cobra pose” this asana requires you to lie face down on the floor and thrust your torso up with your hands. The latter part of your body must be in contact with the ground and your palms must be parallel to your shoulders. This stretch encompasses the entire spinal area and requires regular breathing, which increases blood circulation by improving body oxygenation.

8. Chakravakasana

Chakravakasana (cat pose) is frequently confused with the cat-cow pose or Marjaryasana-Bitilasana. Although the asanas appear to be very similar, their goals are not. Get on your knees and place your palms on the ground in line with your shoulders and knees in this stance. Then, with your stomach pulling in, arch your back inwards and then outwards slowly. This stretches the entire mid-back region and helps with sciatica, dyspepsia, backaches, and other ailments.

9. Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana, often known as the bow stance, is a difficult yoga practice that stretches every muscle in the body. To do this posture, lie on your stomach and elevate your head into the air, gripping the tips of your feet with your bands. This stretch can help with dyspepsia, enhanced body flexibility, and back pain. It is best to do this position under the supervision of a teacher because the stretch should not place too much strain on the body and could result in damage.

10. Sukhasana

This is a very pleasant sitting position that is often employed during meditation. The idea is to focus on breathing while keeping the back straight. This stretches the back muscles while simultaneously opening up the hips. Sukhasana improves concentration and the deep breathing involved fills the lungs with oxygen. The sinuses open up and a relaxing feeling is induced within the mind and the body. Hold this pose for 5 mins in the beginning and slowly increase your time. The meditative vibe is highly rejuvenating as it helps you become spiritually active and strong.

The asanas mentioned above are highly recommended for building immunity and staying fit during the monsoon season. They not only impact the physical body but also generate psychological tranquillity in your life. 

The bottom line is that yogic practices prepare your body and your mind to deal with climatic change. Immunity levels are usually vulnerable to viral strikes as the monsoon brings in the cool breeze of the rains. Yogic asanas coupled with meditation and breathing techniques can significantly benefit you and induce a sense of relaxation in the mind and the body.                        

This article looks to recognize and elucidate some yogic asanas that would help stay fit during the monsoon season. The benefits of the philosophy are pretty well known in certain pockets as the rest recognize it as an exercise routine. Yogic practices have a myriad of intentions and benefits to those who diligently practice the philosophy. For more information please log onto the organization’s website.