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Best Prenatal Yoga for First Trimester: Poses, Benefits, and Tips

Prenatal Yoga for First Trimester

Best Prenatal Yoga for First Trimester: Poses, Benefits, and Tips

It has been concluded by many wellness professionals and healthcare experts that including yoga in your daily routine can have a myriad of benefits that can lead to better health. These yoga techniques that are spoken of are usually in the form of exercise routines, meditation techniques, and breathing exercises. 

It is such a divine philosophy and practice that it can be incorporated into any lifestyle with the intention of inducing relaxation within the body and the mind. This article will be indulging more into the concept of prenatal yoga and how it helps in the first trimester of pregnancy. 

Related Blog: Prenatal Yoga Guide: All You Need To Know

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga or Prenatal Yoga is basically those yoga asanas that can be practised during the pregnancy phase. The asanas within this form of yoga are relatively less intense whilst taking into consideration that the pregnancy phase is a very delicate phase and must be dealt with with the highest level of precaution.

Prenatal Yoga is an extremely pragmatic approach to preparing the body for childbirth. The asanas practised in this yogic discipline focus more on the pelvic region as it increases body flexibility and endurance to deal with the discomforts faced during pregnancy and eventually childbirth. Apart from increasing flexibility and endurance, the mediation and breathing techniques help a lot in calming the body and the mind which is very important as the mother should be completely stress-free during the entire pregnancy phase. 

8 Prenatal Yoga Poses for your First Trimester

The focus of this article will be on the yoga asanas for the first trimester of pregnancy. It is important to note consulting your doctor is highly advisable before starting with prenatal yoga. Make sure that you register for a professional prenatal yoga course under a trained professional. It is important to be well guided through the asanas so as to avoid any kind of overexertion. The pregnancy phase is extremely delicate in nature and hence must be dealt with caution. 

Prenatal yoga asanas are extremely helpful in preparing the mother’s body for childbirth as it increases flexibility in the body and induces relaxation in the mind and the body. Mentioned below are some of the Yoga asanas that can be practised in the first trimester. 

1. Kantha and Skandha Sanchalana

This asana consists of simple neck and shoulder rolls that help in loosening up those regions and induce relaxation in the body and mind. These stretches prepare the body for the asanas that need to be practised after. Moving the neck and shoulders in a clockwise and then anticlockwise direction should release the tension as the slow and deep breathing induces relation within the body.

2. Badha Konasana

The Badha konasana is another simple but very effective pose that aids in increasing concentration and relaxation in the body. It involves sitting down and bringing together the bottom of your feet. This not only stretches the pelvic region it indulges the muscles in the buttocks and thigh regions. These stretches help a lot in preparing the body for childbirth. 

3. Marjariasana

This is also known as the Cat Stretch Pose in which you come to your palms and knees, maintaining the width of your shoulders as your palms lie in line with your shoulders and hip-width apart below your hips. This is where you’ll begin. Inhale while gradually arching your spine inwards towards the floor and elevating your head. Exhale and slowly arch your spine upward, bringing your chin to your chest. Rep 5–10 times more. Take cautious not to overwork yourself.

4. Tadasana

This asana is well known as the Palm Tree pose. It is a very simple and basic asana that focuses on building body balance. Coupled with the deep breathing exercise, this asana can have a very meditative effect that relaxes both the body and mind of the individual. The asana requires you to stand with your feet together and as you inhale you lift your right leg and place it on the inner side of your left thigh. Raise your hands above your head whilst holding your palms together. Keep breathing as the body balances on one leg. Then repeat on the other side.

5. Trikonasana

The triangle position, also known as trikonasana, is a side bending pose that stretches the thigh muscles and improves body balance during pregnancy. This is a simple asana that helps the mother manage her body weight while improving flexibility and agility.

6. Virabhadrasana

Virabhadrasana, also known as the Warrior Pose is a very effective asana that stretches the thigh and buttocks regions of the body. It requires you to stand with your feet apart, keeping a distance of 3 to 4 feet in between. This is much like a forward lunge where you turn the right foot by 90 degrees and the left foot by 15 degrees. After holding the position of the feet, take a deep breath and lift your arms in the air whilst holding your palms together. Hold the position for 20 seconds as you continue to take deep breaths.  Then repeat for the other side.

7. Setubandhasana

This is a very relaxing but intense lower back stretch also known as the Bridge Pose. Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Knees and feet are held apart by the hips. Raise your thighs, pelvis, and gradually your entire back while inhaling, bringing your chest to your chin. Stay there for about a minute. Slowly bring your back down to the floor and relax as you exhale. This asana is extremely beneficial in alleviating back pain and is very good for the first trimester as it stretches the pelvic region as well.

8. Bhujangasana

The cobra posture, also known as Bhujangasana, asks the mother to lie on her stomach and lift her torso with her hands. The earth must touch the body from the waist down. This strenuous stretch encompasses the entire spinal area and requires continual breathing, which increases blood circulation by increasing body oxygenation.

Can I Do Prenatal Yoga In The First Trimester?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to practise prenatal yoga in the first trimester. Instead, it is one activity that doctors recommend. It is advised to consult your doctor before starting the prenatal yoga course as the doctor will be able to clear certain doubts you might have before getting into the practice.

How Early Should You Start Prenatal Yoga?

Prenatal Yoga is a very simplified and less intense version of yoga particularly designed for pregnant women. It is important that no sort of fatigue is caused due to the practice and that the mother can attain a sense of relaxation within the body. A prenatal yoga course can be started immediately after consulting your doctor. The entire course will guide you through the 3 trimesters, each having different approaches for each trimester.

What Yoga Poses Should I Avoid In The First Trimester?

Extremely intense yoga poses must be avoided during any stage of pregnancy. Each trimester introduces new asanas which get less intense as the baby grows bigger. The entire goal is to induce relaxation in the mind and body of the mother. Asanas that need to be avoided have been mentioned below:

1. Avoid intense backbends and forward bends.

  1. Asanas like Purvottanasana and Phalakasana should be avoided as they put 

2. Get lot of pressure on the core region.

Can Yoga Cause A Miscarriage In Early Pregnancy?

Yoga cannot cause a miscarriage in any way. But just as a precautionary measure it would be better to avoid certain heavy asanas so as to avoid fatigue. 


In a nutshell, prenatal yoga is an organic and extremely practical approach to prepare the body for childbirth. As a highly recommended addition to your lifestyle, prenatal yoga is designed in a way that it doesn’t over-exert the person who is practicing. The pregnancy phase is delicate and needs to be dealt with gently. The first trimester is the least uncomfortable for the mother and taking up prenatal yoga classes in the early stages of pregnancy would be the best and most practical approach

This article talks about prenatal yoga with a specific focus on the yoga poses that can be practiced during the first trimester. Along with a vivid description of each recommended yoga pose, there are certain precautions that need to be taken into account so as to avoid fatigue and over-exertion. For more information, you can log onto the organization’s official website. 

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