Does Prenatal Yoga Help Labour Pain and Delivery Outcomes
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Pregnancy is a glorious phase in a woman’s life. With all the excitement in store, one must not forget how delicate this phase is for a woman while their entire body changes through the 3 trimesters. Each trimester comes with its ups and downs and by the end of the 2nd trimester, the woman may start facing certain discomforts.
The 3rd trimester signifies the end of the gestation period where the baby has grown significantly and it is when labor pain kicks in. A Pragmatic way to deal with such discomforts organically is by practicing prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga introduces an entire exercise routine that also includes breathing exercises and meditation techniques that help mothers deal with discomforts like labor pain, and prepares the body for a smoother and less painful delivery.
Yoga as a lifestyle has the potential to liberate a person as it unionizes them with the universe, but in more conventional terms the yogic exercise routine increases body flexibility and increases endurance through a deeper understanding of your own body.
Yoga During Pregnancy
Yoga during pregnancy is an extremely practical and organic approach to preparing a woman’s body for the process of labor. The various asanas that are part of the prenatal yoga routine help increase the woman’s body endurance and flexibility which helps to a great extent to deal with the discomforts of labor such as back pain, stomach pains, contractions, and cramps.
The Yoga techniques involved in the prenatal segment are specially designed for the mother and her changing body. The meditation and breathing techniques help in relaxing the mind whereas the asanas help in stretching certain areas and increasing resilience. The asanas practised in this form of yoga are much milder than usual asanas whilst keeping in mind the delicate position of the mother, so as to not stress or overexert the body.
Prenatal yoga sessions accept mothers from the first trimester and have shown a myriad of good results thus proving that the method is tried, tested, and shown to be successful in alleviating the discomforts of labor, helping with childbirth, and recovering from the entire process of childbirth.
Related Blog: Prenatal Yoga Guide: All You Need To Know
New Study Charts the Benefits of Yoga During Labour Pain
A study conducted by Jahdi, et. al, 2017, shows that women selected for an experiment to show that Prenatal Yoga helps prepare the body for childbirth and dealing with labor pain have shown positive outcomes. The study managed to compare two groups of women, namely one group who were part of the Yoga session and the other who were not practising yoga before birth.
The results of the study showed that the women attending yoga sessions had an increased resilience towards labor pain and experienced a much smoother delivery than the women who didn’t participate in the yoga sessions.
The many benefits of prenatal yoga have been briefly mentioned below:
- Enhances Sleep
- Reduces Anxiety and Stress
- Prenatal Yoga improves body flexibility and muscle endurance, both of which are essential during birthing.
- Lower back difficulties, respiratory issues, joint pains, headaches, and nausea can all be helped with this supplement.
- Ensures that the woman and her family have a more pleasant experience.
- Prenatal Yoga is extremely beneficial in preparing the body for the post-partum period.
- Helps in weight loss.
- Improves the bond between the mother and the child.
Does Prenatal Yoga Help with Delivery
Prenatal yoga focuses on calming the body and focusing on safe practices and poses at all stages of pregnancy to help you prepare for childbirth. Yoga can benefit your physical and mental health in ways that aren’t exclusive to your pregnancy.
Each Asana described in this section of yoga is much milder than the usual asanas. Each asana works on body flexibility and endurance as it stretches the pelvic and back regions to ensure a comfortable delivery. The meditation and breathing techniques calm the mind and expand the bottom parts of the lungs which also oxygenates the body well and reduces headaches and body aches that arise during pregnancy. Asanas that stretch the pelvic and abdominal regions increase endurance to deal with the labor cramps and enable flexibility within those regions so as to ensure a more agreeable experience. These asanas also help the body recover faster after pregnancy.
Prenatal Yoga with regards to Labour Pain and Delivery – FAQs
Q1. Does Prenatal Yoga Help with Delivery?
Prenatal yoga has a myriad of benefits to offer when practised safely, under the proper guidance, and by understanding your own body during pregnancy. The asanas help stretch the back and pelvic areas which are extremely important during delivery.
Q2. Does Yoga Reduce Labour Pain?
The Asanas in prenatal yoga along with breathing exercises and meditation have a great impact on the body and the mind which eventually help a great deal in alleviating labor pain and cramps.
Q3. Is Yoga helpful for Normal Delivery?
Prenatal Yoga is very good for inducing a more comfortable normal delivery. The asanas that work on stretching the lower back and pelvic regions make those areas more flexible allowing the mother to be more physically aware and able during normal delivery.
Prenatal Yoga is a very practical way for a woman to prepare for childbirth. Labour pain is a common discomfort among pregnant women. Within the realm of prenatal yoga, there are numerous yoga asanas that can assist women to ease the discomforts arising out of labor and calming their minds and body to ensure a more agreeable delivery.
This article defines prenatal yoga and then introduces the benefits of yoga while dealing with labor pain and its effects on ensuring a more comfortable natural delivery. You can visit more blogs on prenatal yoga here.
For more information on yoga classes and workshop, you can log onto our website.

I am a Pune based artist, Kathak dancer, Dance Movement Therapist, and an avid Yoga practitioner/ teacher. I am also the Director at the Sakal Media Group, a Trustee of Pune Blind School and Nirdhar Trust.
Being a part of Sakal Media Group, with its strong foundation of service and ethical journalism, I am deeply committed in making this world a better place by pushing boundaries, giving opportunities to others, following my convictions, helping others make better choices and to tell powerful stories that will help reshape the world we live in.