10 Yoga Poses to Balance Your Muladhara Chakra
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What is Muladhara (Root) Chakra?
Muladhara chakra which is also known as the root chakra because it is located at the end bone of the spine.
An activated muladhara chakra comes with a lot of benefits. Practicing yoga will only strengthen your chakra and activate it which will lead to an emotionally balanced and a fulfilling life.
Related Blog: Muladhara Chakra in Yoga: All You Need To Know!
Signs of Imbalance in Muladhara Chakra
It will block your growth and affect your stability and security.
Here are some signs of an imbalanced muladhara chakra.
- Lack of focus will cause restlessness
- Lower back pain, joint pain, knee pain.
- Constantly worrying about money.
- Lack of energy, motivation and feeling tired all the time.
Yoga’s Role in Helping with Muladhara Chakra Balance
Yoga plays a very important role in activating your muladhara chakra. Regular practice of yoga is going to enhance your muladhara chakra in many ways and which will eventually help you lead a balanced life.
Top 10 Yoga Poses to Balance Your Muladhara Chakra
1. Balasana
Step to Perform:
- Sit on the mat with your knees on it
- slowly bend forward and with your arms stretching forward and forehead touching the mat.
- Now close your eyes, feel the stretch and relax completely. Hold the pose for a few seconds and repeat.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It calms you and releases stress and anxiety
2. Tadasana
Step to Perform:
- Stand on the mat and make sure your arms are relaxed.
- Your feet should be firmly placed on the floor.
- Lock the fingers of both hands together and then slowly rotate your wrist outwards
- While lifting your arms, also lift your heels off the ground, balancing your entire body weight on your toes.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It enhances balance and stability, reduces stress and helps in improving your confidence.
3. Virabhadrasana
Step to Perform:
- Stand on your mat with your legs wide apart, now turn your right foot out by 90 degrees and the left foot should go inward.
- Raise both your hands sideways to your shoulder height.
- Turn your head and push your body towards the right. Hold this pose for a few seconds and release.
- Now repeat the same with your other leg.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It enhances strength, stability and helps in boosting your confidence.
4. Setu bandh asana
Step to Perform:
- lie down on your back, bend your knees with your legs hip-width apart.
- Hold your ankles with your palms. Now slowly lift your back from the ground.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It helps you in grounding your energy.
5. Adho mukha svanasana
Step to Perform:
- Form an inverted V using your arms and legs and your hips should be upwards.
- Your head should be between your arms facing downwards towards the mat.
- Once you achieve the inverted V you can press your heels on the floor and feel a good stretch, hold this position for a few seconds and release.
Benefits of This Yoga:
Helps in grounding your energy
6. Malasana
Step to Perform:
- Stand on the mat with bend your knees and slightly distance in your legs
- Bring your hands together in front of your chest.
- Sit up straight, engage the core and lift the chest.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It helps you enhance your flexibility and sense of grounding
7. Vrksasana
Step to Perform:
- Stand on the mat and transfer your weight on one foot
- Place the opposite foot on the inner thigh
- Bring both your palms near your chest
- Now repeat the same thing on the other leg
Benefits of This Yoga:
Helps you improve your focus
8. Uttanasana
Step to Perform:
- Stand with your feet slightly apart in tadasana pose.
- Now raise your hands upwards and bend forward
- Place your hands on the floor, relax your head and neck.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It helps you in grounding your energy.
9. Janu Sirsasana
Step to Perform:
- Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Bend one knee and bring it close towards you.
- Push yourself forwards towards the folded leg
- Hold the foot while keeping your back straight
- Stay in this position for a few seconds, release and repeat the same on the other side.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It helps you increase your focus
10. Savasana
Step to Perform:
- Lay on your back with your arms and legs on the mat
- Relax your mind and body and feel the stress leaving your body
- Stay in this relaxed state for a few seconds and make sure you are comfortable.
Benefits of This Yoga:
It helps you with a calm and relaxed mind.
Related Blog: How to Balance Muladhara Chakra?
FAQs About Yoga Poses to Balance Your Muladhara Chakra
Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about yoga to balance your muladhara chakra
Q1. How often should I practice these yoga poses to balance my Muladhara Chakra?
The more consistent you are, the better results you will get. You can practice yoga 2-3 times a week for a balanced muladhara chakra.
Q2. Can yoga really help balance my Muladhara Chakra?
Yes, yoga can really help in balancing your muladhara chakra with a lot of other benefits.
Q3. Can beginners perform these yoga poses?
Yes, under the proper guidance a beginner can perform yoga and gain the benefits.
Q4. Can I practice these yoga poses at any time of the day?
Yes, you can practise yoga poses at any time of the day, listen to your body and plan accordingly.
Q5. How long does it take to balance the Muladhara Chakra with yoga?
Regular yoga practice along with a balanced lifestyle will help you activate your muladhara chakra sooner.
Practice yoga regularly and activate the muladhara chakra for a holistic life and a better well-being.
Let the sense of grounding, mindfulness and stability increase with these practices.
Embrace Stability and Security: Enroll in Our Yoga Classes Today!
Discover the power of yoga with us! Let’s embrace stability and security, let us help you achieve a holistic life.
Join us today and we will help you in aligning your chakras.

I am a Pune based artist, Kathak dancer, Dance Movement Therapist, and an avid Yoga practitioner/ teacher. I am also the Director at the Sakal Media Group, a Trustee of Pune Blind School and Nirdhar Trust.
Being a part of Sakal Media Group, with its strong foundation of service and ethical journalism, I am deeply committed in making this world a better place by pushing boundaries, giving opportunities to others, following my convictions, helping others make better choices and to tell powerful stories that will help reshape the world we live in.