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Prenatal Yoga for Back Pain: Top 5 Poses to Ease Back Pain in Pregnant Women!

Prenatal Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain

Prenatal Yoga for Back Pain: Top 5 Poses to Ease Back Pain in Pregnant Women!

Over the last three to four decades, there has been a surge in interest in the age-old yogic philosophy and its practices, which has had a global impact, particularly in the field of fitness and wellness. Yoga, as a philosophy, has laid the groundwork for an entire way of life that, when practised and studied thoroughly, may also transcend to self-actualization.

Prenatal Yoga is a subset of the Pranayam and Asanas segment of Yogic philosophy that focuses on relaxing and strengthening the body and mind of a pregnant woman. It focuses on improving body flexibility and relaxing the body throughout the three trimesters of pregnancy. It also includes a variety of breathing and meditation techniques that aid in achieving tranquillity during the pregnancy stage. The Asanas are much gentler than traditional yogic practices and are specifically designed to prepare the body for childbirth.

Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very delicate phase and one must be very careful while practising the asanas. It is very important to find the right teacher and under their guidance practice the asanas. It is very crucial that the asanas should not overexert the mother and still bring about a sense of relief and relaxation to the body and the mind. 

Back pain is a common occurrence during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Along with the breathing exercises and meditation techniques, there are certain mild asanas that can alleviate the back pain and prepare the mother for childbirth. The best and most effective asanas that would relieve the mother of her back pain have been briefly discussed in the next segment of this article. 

Top 5 Prenatal Yoga Asanas for Back Pain during Pregnancy:

Prenatal Yoga has many benefits when practised correctly under suitable guidance. The back problems usually begin at the end of the 2nd trimester, when the baby has grown significantly within the womb. The main distress region is the lower back region arising from carrying the immense load of the baby. Usually, the prenatal asanas recommended during this period is very mild in nature but have the power to alleviate the back pain and restore a sense of relaxation within the mother’s body and mind.

Mentioned below are 5 most effective Asanas which can be practised by pregnant women to relieve their back pain: 

1. Vrikshasana

This is also known as the Tree Pose. The asana involves balancing on one leg and bending the other leg and placing the bottom part of the foot against the thigh. Then join your hands and lift your arms in the air so that the entire body stretches longitudinally. Then do the same with the other foot. 

Benefits of Vrikshasana:

  • Stretches the entire body thus releasing the back muscles and inducing a relaxing feeling.
  • Opens up the pelvic region.
  • This asana is very meditative in nature and improves body balance
  • Along with deep breathing, the asana induces proper oxygenation of the body and relaxes the mind.

2. Utkata Konasana

Also known as the Goddess Pose, Utkata Konasana is an excellent exercise for the third trimester. This asana is a type of squat in which the mother’s legs are spread wide apart and her feet face outwards. 

H4: Benefits of Utkata Konasana:

  • The squat position is extremely relaxing for the hips and pelvic region
  • The asana strengthens the legs and thigh region of the body.
  • The Asana helps release the lower and mid-back muscles.
  • Helps with lower back pain as the asana not only relieves the back muscles but also strengthens them.

3. Balasana

This asana is also known as the child’s pose and is excellent for stretching the lower back, hips, and thigh muscles. The mother sits on her knees and slowly bends forward while extending her hands to stretch the entire back and hip region.

Benefits of Balasana: 

  • Gently stretches the spine
  • Helps release the back muscle and relieves back back
  • Opens up the hips and thigh regions
  • Along with breathing, the asana can relax the mind and oxygenate the body better. 

4. Marjaryasana to Bitilasana

This asana, also known as the Cat-Cow Pose, is a transitional switch between two asanas. The entire exercise consists of moving from the cat pose to the cow pose, which involves a gentle backbend, relieving tension and improving spinal mobility. This asana also improves circulation and stretches specific areas of the body such as the neck, torso, and shoulders.

Benefits of the Marjaryasana and Bitilasana:

  • Increases flexibility in the neck, shoulder and spine.
  • Very effective for lower, upper and mid-back pain.

5. Bhujangasana

The Bhujangasana, also known as the cobra posture, requires the mother to lie on her stomach and lift her torso with her hands. The floor must touch the body from the waist down. This intense stretch encompasses the entire spinal area. It is very important to focus on your breathing at all times while practising this asana as it increases blood circulation by increasing body oxygenation.

Benefits of Bhujangasana:

  • Strengthens the spine, especially the lower back region.
  • Tones the buttocks region
  • Soothes Sciatica
  • The relieves the body and mind from stress and fatigue

Prenatal Yoga for Back Pain – FAQs

Q1. Does Prenatal Yoga Help With Back Pain?

Prenatal yoga is extremely effective to alleviate back pain. There are many asanas that are mild and help relax the body and the mind. Such asanas are extremely effective during the time of pregnancy.

Q2. What Helps With Back Pain When Pregnant?

There are many mild asanas like bhujangasana, balasana, Vrikshasana, etc. that stretch the body and increase flexibility and endurance. Breathing during these asanas can also be very relaxing.

Q3. When Should I Start Prenatal Yoga?

Prenatal yoga introduces many asanas for each trimester and hence can be started at the starting o the 1st trimester. It is advised to consult your doctor before you take up any class or start practising. 

Q4. How Can I Decompress My Spine During Pregnancy?

Usually, asanas like Utkata Konasana and Balasana stretch the spine to decompress it and release the back muscles. 


Prenatal Yoga is an extremely pragmatic approach to preparing a woman for childbirth. All women do face the problem of back pain during pregnancy, especially by the 3rd trimester. There are many yoga asanas within the domain of prenatal yoga that help women to relieve their back pain and relax their mind and body, 

This article defines prenatal yoga and goes on to introduce certain asanas that can help women to relieve their back pain issues, which is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Each asana has been vividly described along with its benefits so as to guide women and alleviate their back pain.

For more information on yoga classes and workshop, you can log onto our website.